• PO Box 2684, Monroe, Louisiana 71207
  • 1-318-235-5002
  • kcausey@karalecauseycpa.com

Financial Essentials

Financial Essentials addresses the core financial needs of your organization. Our specialized services are focused on meeting the unique requirements of nursing homes and senior care providers, aiming to support accurate financial management and alignment with industry-specific regulations. We work on handling the complexities of your financial operations, allowing you to dedicate more focus to resident and client care.



Our accounting service encompasses the systematic recording, organizing, and tracking of your organization's financial transactions. This includes maintaining accurate ledgers, reconciling accounts, and cleaning up historical records when needed. We aim to provide a clear, up-to-date picture of your financial position.



We offer payroll oversight and management to help ensure your payroll processes align with healthcare industry standards and regulations. Our service includes reviewing payroll procedures, advising on compliance issues, and helping optimize your payroll systems for efficiency and accuracy.


Accounts Payable

Our accounts payable service focuses on managing your facility's outgoing payments. We work to process invoices, track expenses, and maintain vendor relationships. This service aims to help you stay on top of your financial obligations and manage cash flow effectively.


Bill Pay

Our bill pay service handles the logistics of your organization's vendor payments. We work to ensure bills are paid on time, help prevent late fees, and maintain organized records of all transactions. This service is designed to streamline your payment processes and support your overall financial management.

By working with our experienced team on your Financial Essentials, you’re taking steps to support your over all operations. Our familiarity with the long-term care industry informs our approach to helping establish a sturdy financial foundation, so that you can deliver quality care while maintaining fiscal responsibility.